Cense et Abbaye

Cense et Abbaye

Cense et Abbaye

Cense et Abbaye offers a complete service to its customers – owners of agricultural land and farmers – in order to cultivate their land in the most appropriate way.

At the start of 2023, a capital expansion operation made it possible to welcome Mr. Loïc de La Tullaye, agronomist engineer and administrator, as well as Mr. Stéphane Herbiet, independent agronomist. This operation aims to perpetuate its activities and strengthen its presence on the market. Isabelle del Marmol remains involved at the operational level, as Financial Director, as well as at the shareholder level.

In this spirit of continuity, Cense et Abbaye therefore continues its mission: “Together, we cultivate the Earth”.

The operation was supported by FB Transmission (advisor to the del Marmol family) and by Transferius (advisor to Loïc de La Tullaye).

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