The context
Half of Belgian business owners are over 50 years old. The traditional father-son pattern is often called into question: only 1/3 of businesses are passed on within the family. And some companies disappear because of a lack of succession.
The stakes are therefore high.
Faced with this complex and profoundly human problem, the company director is sometimes helpless. It is advisable to seek help.
Are you planning to sell your company?
At FB Transmission, we accompany you throughout the transfer process. In order to demystify the jargon used and to see more clearly the main legal and fiscal aspects, FB Transmission has set up a series of 7 video capsules illustrating the main phases of the process.
FB Transmission est un prestataire labellisé en Wallonie par les Chèques Entreprises. Le Chèque Transmission permet au cédant de se faire accompagner par notre cabinet lors du processus de cession de son entreprise, et ce, à hauteur de 75%.
L’accompagnement par notre cabinet lors de la cession consiste à :